Wednesday, October 19, 2011

BINGO at Ronald McDonald House

I was blessed to spend an evening hosting "Bingo" for the adults and teens of Ronald McDonald Charlotte this past Monday night. While there, I met this sweet little angel! She was too little to play, so I made her my official "wheel spinner" which she happily did, while seated on my lap for nearly two hours!

The red backpack has a puppy in it and was her prize for being such an amazing helper! She named him "Princess".

As always, nights like Monday make me so grateful for the opportunities to serve others that this crown has given me and for the joy I am able to bring to others because of it.  Looking forward to Halloween night when I will get to make and serve dinner for all of the house's families, along with my team from Planet Ballroom! And of course, get to see my sweet little angel again!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Grateful for the Journey....

While pulling together some photos for an upcoming ad, I stumbled across this picture. It literally stopped me and my heart in its tracks! It's a photo of me and my husband (although not at the time!) six years ago, building our first-ever dance studio! I can't believe how YOUNG we both look...babies! It makes me smile to look at our faces and think what the "me" today would tell those two.... The up's and down's, struggles and successes that will occur within those walls and in our lives. That this little space and school will become an empire. It will become two schools (and eventually more), one of which is a two-story, mega-complex of dance and fitness in the heart of a downtown. That 100's of amateurs and pro's lives will be changed. That we will spend nights on-end pacing and frustrated. that we will experience utter joy, pride, and happiness beyond our wildest dreams. That while we will meet 100s upon 100s of people, we will also be blessed to encounter a few who will become more than just staff and students, but part of our very hearts and lives. There is so much I would tell these two "kids". And yet, I guess I wouldn't. Life's gifts to us are the unexpected moments of laughter, friendships that we never see coming, and the struggles that stregnthen and define us. And if we are truly lucky, photos like this that cause us to pause and reflect, and just be so incredibly grateful for the journey....

Fall is Flying By!

Yesterday was  my big "Avatar" video shoot and it went even better than I could have hoped!! I got to see a few unedited clips and am SO excited to see the final product!

                                             (A sneak peek behind the scenes at my avatar shoot!)

                                      (My sweet husband came with me for my morning-long shoot!)

Up next on my agenda for this month is a "Pajamas, Hot Chocolate, and Spooky Stories Night" at the Charlotte Ronald McDonald House! No better way to celebrate this fall season than with a group of little angels, curled up by the fire in jammies, drinking hot chocolate and reading Halloween stories!

                            (My husband and me last time we were able to serve dinner at the Charlotte House)

And on Halloween Night I will be joining Planet Ballroom in cooking and serving dinner to all the families residing at the Charlotte RMDH. I can't wait to get all dressed up in my costume and spend an evening with some of the most inspiring families and people you could ever hope to meet!

(Team Planet Ballroom at RMDH Charlotte!)

I am still putting together my team for the South Carolina St. Jude's Walk on November 19th!! I can't wait! A while I can't say much, I am in the middle of a HUGE project with Mrs. International 2011 that I am so SO excited about! Hopefully there will be news to share soon!

                                                             (Me and Mrs International!)

Don't forget that for up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow me on twitter: MrsSCIntl2011. :)

Blessings and happiness,

Elizabeth Malvasia - Mrs South Carolina International 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mrs South Carolina to be an "Avatar"!

And the opportunities keep coming!! Next week, our own Mrs South Carolina International, Elizabeth Malvasia, will shoot the first of a series of  spokesmodeling videos for a national brand and website. The company is Planet Ballroom and Elizabeth will be the company's official, on-line spokes-model!! We are so proud of our Mrs South Carolina 2011! Good luck Elizabeth...we know you will be amazing!!

I Will Be True to the Promise I Have Made....

I have received SO MANY well-wishes and congrats for our two-year wedding anniversary and I wanted to take a moment to say a huge: THANK YOU!! Truly, it means so much! This year's celebration was simpler than year's past, but every bit as wonderful. Between being in the midst of the biggest construction project we've ever undertaken and all the amazing opportunities and growth of our careers, not to mention my busy schedule of appearances and charity work, a simple weekend getaway to the beautiful coastal town of Wilmington seemed to be the perfect fit!!

Getting ready to board the USS North Carolina!

                     When you are on a beautiful beach with the one you love, even the rain seems perfect! :)

And as for the actual "day" itself, we celebrated with our annual tradition. I bake us a special cake (this year it was a cookie cake with my famous and secret cookie recipe!) and then wear my wedding dress while we dance our "first dance" again, make a wish, and blow out the candle! Cheesy-yes! But in life, how many opportunities do we get to really celebrate our lives and the ones we love? Or even to create a fun and photo-worthy memory?

Wishing everyone a lifetime of precious moments and special memories,
Your Mrs South Carolina International,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Walk for St.Jude!!

Lace up your sneakers and let's get walking!! I am the Grand Marshall of the 2011 South Carolina St.Jude's Walk and I have decided to do more than simply host and do press for the event. I want to bring the event's BIGGEST TEAM!!!  And I need serious help!! My goal is a team of 100 people to walk with me on Saturday November 14th. If you want to be part of this important event, or (even better!) want to help grow our team, email me at!

Sunday Sum-up!!

The Southern Paradise Ball Newcomer's Challenge was a such a fun day! It was filled with all things sparkly, glamorous, and over-the-top...definitely my kind of event to host! It was also a loooong day! Starting at 5:30am and ending sometime after 12am THE NEXT DAY!! Fortuntately we are all having way too much fun to realize we are EXHUASTED! :)

Ready to go check on the ladies' dressing room bright and early...wish me luck!!
Whenever I am hosting an event, modeling, or dancing, I always use any breaks as a chance to run to my room and slip into my "cozies"...even if its only for 30 minutes!!
Taking a quick time-out to hug my husband! It always amazes me how in the chaos of an event, we can be in the same place all day and yet not see one another at all!
The live-music Salsa party got more than a touch wild! Here's is Planet Ballroom Matthews' manager, and one of my dearest friends (second husband really!), Bradley, "worming" acrosss the dance floor!

              Fun with the crown!                                            One of the event's top pros!

Somehow, I ALWAYS end up on stage.....
The band was FABULOUS!! "Manny and sus Trubacos"!
A tradition....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Fall Y'all!!

Hoping this new and beautiful season finds you well and you all are enjoying pulling out your space-bags of fleecy socks, cozy hoodies, and coats with faux-fur collars as much as I am!! And of course, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice muffins, pumpkin spice coffee cakes....pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! In case you didn't catch the sublety, I love the Fall!! I am origininally from New England (shhh....we don't really talk about that!) and have the  most amazing memories of this time of year. New England truly is paradise in September and October. Well worth a trip if you have never been.

Last night was the first night of one of my personal favorite Fall/Winter traditions....fireside picnics!! These have become a favorite "date-night" of my hubby's (and mine!) and so I thought I would share as it is such an easy well to enjoy the season and each other!

Spread a picnic blanket out on your living room floor in front of the fire, fill your room (or entire downstairs) with only the light of dozens of yummy, fall-scented candles, and prepare a "picnic friendly" dinner. Some of our favorite are a tray with crackers and cheese, grapes and apples, veggies and hummus; a mix of chicken tenders (buffalo, terriaki, jack daniels, etc) with veggies and dip; homemade panninis and chips; homemade chinese stir-fry; and of course, pizza! Unfortunately for my diet (especially on the nights we go for pizza instead of veggies and dip), these evenings ALWAYS include a pint of Ben&Jerry's (Well, technically two. One for each of us. But we'll keep that quiet too!). There's just something about being cozied up on a picnice blanket by the fire and eating it right out of the carton. That's when I KNOW Fall has truly arrived!

Another favorite Fall tradition of mine is "Baking Dance Parties", but we'll save that for another post! In the meantime...
Happy Fall Y'All!! 

My September - In a Minute!

SO sore from the fitness classes I have been taking at Planet Ballroom Dance Studio. DanceFit, CardioLatin, Pilates, and even Ballet-for-Ballroom! Sooo fun, but WOW! I am feeling it today!

Pulling my wardrobe together for an event I am hosting tomorrow at the Ballantyne Resort. It's the "Southern Paradise Ball Newcomer Challenge". Its from 9am-5pm (which means hair and make-up at 6 - bleck!) and wraps up with a live music salsa party from 7pm-10pm. I am so excited to see all the beautiful dresses, fabulous dancing, and hopefully even get to dance myself during the Salsa party! I'll post whatever pictures I am able to take in between all my duties as the host and face of the event.

Also coming up this week is an appearance with MRS INTERNATIONAL for Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Does an appearance get much better? The most beautiful (not to mention most fun!) woman in the world and being essentially FORCED to eat as many warm, gooey, Krispy Kremes as I can handle?? I am guessing not, but if so, I hope I get that appearance too!

And finally, I am so excited to announce that I will be spending Halloween Night with the families and volunteers of Ronald McDonald House in Charlotte!! Making dinner and having a pumpking carving party!! And of course, dressed up in costume!  I am in the process of rallying my troops to see whose in with me! Can NOT wait!

On a fun and personal note, one week from today is my TWO YEAR wedding anniversary!! In many ways, it feels like so much longer. Good ways! So many wonderful things have happened in our lives since that incredible day and I feel like I have had so much more than two years worth of love, laughter, happiness, and BLESSINGS. I pray that it is like this for the rest of our lives!

Your Mrs South Carolina International 2011,
Elizabeth Malvasia

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have admittedly been terrible about keeping up with my blog since returning from nationals! But my directors have asked us girls to write our memories and experiences from 9/11 and I can't think of a more worthy topic to bring me back...

Interestingly, I had been in NYC competing with my pro-partner at the World Trade Center on August 11, 2001. I wish photos were digital back then (yes, I am that old) because I have the most beautiful photo of my best friend and I in front of the twin towers. We had my dance partner lay on his back on the ground and take a photo "up" at us, with both towers visible behind us, standing tall and proud into the sunshine. And I swear, the towers are radiant and actually glowing. Our arms are wrapped tight around one another in that "best friends forever" embrace that only girls can do and we are smiling so hard we are actually laughing.. mouths wide open in joy and eyes sparkling. Of all that strikes me when I look at that photo today, the innocence of us in contrast to what happened on that very spot 30-days later is what hits me the hardest.

We were barely 19 at the time and my freedom was never something I questioned or even thought much about. War was something I knew my grandfather had fought in and I'd read about, but had little meaning to me in my life. Fear was a word I associated with failing a test or not making a final in competition. I had never before associated it with my life, my freedom, or the safety and security of my country. 9/11 changed that for me.

I had just pulled onto campus when the radio reported a plane crashing World Trade Center. Of course we now know that this crash would later be refered to as into "the first tower". I called my best friend and ran into class. I sat with my peers and teachers, my cell phone to my ear, and we watched the second crash. There was absolute silence. I knew beyond a doubt what President Bush would announce hours later...we had been attacked. The vulnerability of that realization was a kind I had never experienced prior to that moment and hope I never feel again. It is one thing to feel vulnerable as a person, but to feel vulnerable as a NATION is a sickening feeling.

I try not to focus too much on that feeling when remembering 9/11. I believe that was the goal and I refuse to give such awful people and such horrific intent satisfaction. Instead I think about how in life's most terrifying and horrific of moments, true hope and courage can emerge. I remember that while 1,000s ran screaming from the chaos and fire, there were people running into it. True heroes. I remember the stories we all read and continue to read about complete strangers holding hands while running for their lives in stairwells and comforting one another in final moments. Firefighters who had just come off 48-hr shifts, no doubt hungry and tired and ready to spend time with their families, only to turn around and put their lives back on the line for people they didn't even know. And it makes me proud.

9/11 taugh me fear. It taught me that my freedom is not something to take for granted and it is NOT free. But more than that, it taught me how deeply and truly proud I am to be an American. It gave me a  pride in this country that I could never have understood before. I am grateful to live in a nation where in the presence of true evil, our unity and love for one another and our great country is not muted, but instead shines more bright.

My dad is a true lover of history and sent me this quote this morning. Wise and comforting words from a great lover of his country, Ronald Reagan. May it bring everyone the peace and pride it brought me.

"We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free."

God Bless the USA

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chicago, Here We Come!

Well, we're off!! Months and months of preparations and planning all packed up in my SUV and ready to go! This is the week where all the skipped desserts, extra runs, and hours of work on TOP of my "real" job pay off! I am excited to get to share this week with my incredible director Joy, as well as my sister queen, Mrs North Carolina International, Janet Bolin. Not to mention my AMAZING husband who will be running his empire from Chicago this week in order to support me, and just collapsed into bed after a 12-hr drive to get me here safe, sound, and with all my miscellaneous bags and luggage. :) Regardless of what happens this week, I am an incredibly blessed wife and woman. I will do my best to keep my blog updated this week, although I am not sure I can promise that!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

World Challenge National Smooth Champions!!

 During the emotional moments immediately before being announced as the new Champions!

Taking home the title of "World Challenge National Smooth Champions"

And the Overall High Score Winner of the weekend! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Viva Las Vegas! -Sneak Peek....

Last weekend was the World Challenge National Ballroom Dance Championships in Las Vegas. So much to tell and so many pictures to share! Here is a sneak peek at what you will get to see!

The Waltz...

The Foxtrot...

Just waiting to hear our name called to the front of the line! 

Sooo much more to share, but that should be enough to get you excited for now! Off to pick up my dress, go for a run, and head into the studio for the final time before leaving for Chicago!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Palmetto Children's Hospital Visit

Of all the blessings and opportunities that come with being Mrs South Carolina International, the most humbling and rewarding by far is the ability of my role  and "the crown" to impact others. 

Making crowns and shields with the kids! From the sights and sounds of our activity, you would NEVER know we were in a hospital playroom! :)

In my time spent working with and for Ronald McDonald House Charities - fundraising, doing press and publicity, traveling to homes across the country, serving meals, and hosting drives to fund and supply the houses - I see first hand the impact of childhood illness on their families and loved ones.

In front of the RMDH "Family Room" in the hospital's lobby


Being able to spend time in the hospital with the children themselves was a unique and moving experience for me. The bravery and hope of these little miracles is inspiring to say the least! I laughed at antics (I learned that a child is a child whether at home or in the hospital!) and felt my heart swell to the point of explosion with admiration and love.

"Hey Princess! I wanna be your king!"

Contrary to what you would think, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be sad while you are there. Well, at least it was for me. The hope and love that fills each room is awe-inspiring. And beneath the tubes, machines, and illness, they are not patients, but KIDS. Sassy, funny, and wise-beyond-their-years children.

One of the most beautiful, sweet, and bravest girls I have ever met. My idol <3

I left my time at Palmetto Children's with a heart both light and full. While some might confuse the power of the crown with personal power, for me the difference is clear and most apparent on days like this. I am never more humbled than when I am wearing my crown and sash. The smiles and joy that I brought to each room I visited come from a power far beyond me and even the crown itself.. it comes from Above. And while I may never fully know or understand why God chose me for this incredible role and mission, I am never more grateful that he did.

Elizabeth Malvasia
Mrs South Carolina International 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Serving Dinner at the RMDH Charlotte!

On Sunday June 19th, Elizabeth Malvasia, along with a team comprised of DanceSport Carolina staff members prepared and served a special Father's Day dinner for the resident families of the Ronald McDonald House in Charlotte, NC!

 A classic summer-time cookout!

 Elizabeth Malvasia's special contribution: a homemade "Happy Father's Day" cake!
"Just like what their family would have made for them if they were at home" -E.Malvasia

 A new friend and RMDH resident!

 Mrs South Carolina and DanceSport Carolina owner, Thomas Malvasia. DanceSport Carolina donated all the supplies and food for the meal!

 The chocolate cake was a HUGE hit!

The team!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Month in the Life....Updates!!

Time is FLYING by as I try to enjoy every moment of being Mrs South Carolina 2011, while simultaneously preparing for what is sure to be the competition of my life: Mrs International! My work with Ronald McDonald House keeps me incredibly busy as does my "other" job as the VP of DanceSport Carolina. I am happy to share that the newest home in Charlotte NC has officially opened and is housing families! I was able to speak at the grand opening as well as be the first to officially "open" the house to the public. It was very humbling! As for DanceSport Carolina, we are undergoing some MAJOR changes and growth that will all take place over the next few months. I can't share too much now, but will in the future...I promise! :) In addition to those two "hats" I was recently name the official face and "smile" of one of the most prominent dentist's in the country! My ad campaign for him begins June 1 and I can't wait!

My student and I at our last competition

I mentioned training for the Mrs International pageant, but can't forget to mention that the week prior I will be flying to Vegas to compete in a National Pro-Am Smooth Championship! Training is getting pretty intense as I prepare myself and my student to try and take home a National Pro-Am title! We will be competing in the Open American Smooth Championship. For the non-dancers out there, that means the Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, and V.Waltz championship!

Mr. South Carolina and I on vacation!

On a personal note, I was able to combine a week of appearances with some quality family time when my parents visited and we spent a few days in Charleston, SC in early May! I was able to visit and spend some time taking photos and signing autographs at various historic sites and tourist attractions, while enjoying incredible meals, sight-seeing, and conversation with the people I love most in this about the dream vacation!

Well, I think that is all for now. Until next time...

So grateful to be, Mrs SC International 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Elizabeth Malvasia Named The Face and "Smile" of World-Renowned Dentist!

World-renowned dentist, Dr. Robert Lowe D.D.S, of Webber Dentistry in South Park (the official dentist of the Charlotte Bobcats and Ladycats) has named Elizabeth the official SMILE of his 2011-2012 ad campaign! Elizabeth will appear in numerous print and commercial ads for the highly celebrated dentist as well make personal appearances at events. Elizabeth is ecstatic to be working with such a well-respected dental expert and has described Dr Lowe as "a brilliant artist and man, with a kind heart and wonderful sense of humor".

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Elizabeth Malvasia Gives Key-Note Adress at Ronald McDonald House Grand Opening!

Mrs SC International 2011, Elizabeth Malvasia, and the "other" face of RMDH charities!

As the face of newly opened RMDH in Charlotte NC, Elizabeth Malvasia was selected to give the key-note address at their grand-opening, volunteer appreciation dinner. Among other things, Elizabeth was asked to speak on why volunteering was so important to her, and why Ronald McDonald House charities was her organization of choice. Sniffles could be heard among the 250+ attendants of the event while Elizabeth shared her story of hard work, determination, and ultimately success in her business and how that journey, combined with her believe that family and "home" is where one's heart and soul really resides drove her to not only find a way to give back, but to give back through Ronald McDonald House Charities specifically.

Elizabeth speaking to the crowd of volunteers

After giving her address, Elizabeth lead the volunteers and those in attendance at the event through the doors of the house for the very first time! Among the evening's highlights were seeing the HUNDREDS of books Elizabeth had raised filling shelf upon shelf in the house.

Elizabeth and one of the MANY library shelves filled with the books she raised for the house!