Yesterday was my big "Avatar" video shoot and it went even better than I could have hoped!! I got to see a few unedited clips and am SO excited to see the final product!
(A sneak peek behind the scenes at my avatar shoot!)
(My sweet husband came with me for my morning-long shoot!)
Up next on my agenda for this month is a "Pajamas, Hot Chocolate, and Spooky Stories Night" at the Charlotte Ronald McDonald House! No better way to celebrate this fall season than with a group of little angels, curled up by the fire in jammies, drinking hot chocolate and reading Halloween stories!
(My husband and me last time we were able to serve dinner at the Charlotte House)
And on Halloween Night I will be joining Planet Ballroom in cooking and serving dinner to all the families residing at the Charlotte RMDH. I can't wait to get all dressed up in my costume and spend an evening with some of the most inspiring families and people you could ever hope to meet!
(Team Planet Ballroom at RMDH Charlotte!)
I am still putting together my team for the South Carolina St. Jude's Walk on November 19th!! I can't wait! A while I can't say much, I am in the middle of a HUGE project with Mrs. International 2011 that I am so SO excited about! Hopefully there will be news to share soon!
(Me and Mrs International!)
Don't forget that for up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow me on twitter: MrsSCIntl2011. :)
Blessings and happiness,
Elizabeth Malvasia - Mrs South Carolina International 2011